Wednesday, April 8, 2015

That's YouTube GOLD!

Him: Ok. I gotta get down in my car, so I can commute home during this next call.
Me: You gotta get down in your car? You mean, like Disco Fever?
Him: Uhhh... yes.
Me: Can I watch?
Him: Only on YouTube.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Plastered Pitch?

Now THAT'S how to throw a morning meeting. W3rd.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Me: (after taking a confirmation call from restaurant host) Woohoo! I totally forgot that Max Raabe and dinner at Jardinière are THIS Friday.
Him: Good restaurant!
Coworker: Good band!
Me: Yep! I'm taking my girl out!
Him: any chance, am I your girl?
Me & Coworker: Bwaaahahahahaaa!


Him: (pops his head up in the window between his office and my desk, then immediately pops back down out of it)
Me: Wow. That was like a whack-a-mole moment.
Him: (in chat) Shush. I'm on my cell phone.
Me: (also in chat) Shushing commenced.
Him: Plus, if you whack me, I'll press charges.
Me: Pfft. Like I haven't heard THAT one a million times before.
Him: More shushing, please.